Seals of Creation (book 1) Awakening now available

Seals of Creation (book 1) Awakening now available.


The first book in the “Seals of Creation” series “book 1 Awakening” is now available for purchase in paperback and Kindle e-book at the following links.

Twenty year cycles ago the Galactic Unity was ripped apart. Since then the Betrayers have blazed a fiery path of destruction across the galaxy. Based on the need to survive; the remaining free worlds have banded together to form a makeshift alliance called the United Galactic Force. Tetra Prime has become the official capital for the U.G.F. The new capital is far from perfect grappling with its own international struggles. In the midst of the greater Betrayer War, Quest, a cadet fresh out of training finds he is destined to play a pivotal role in the preservation of all life and creation itself.
By: Jamie Noe 2012

(paper back version)

(Kindle e-book version link below)

Seals of Creation (book 1) Awakening now available


The first book in the “Seals of Creation” series “book 1 Awakening” is now available for purchase in paperback and Kindle e-book at the following links.

Twenty year cycles ago the Galactic Unity was ripped apart. Since then the Betrayers have blazed a fiery path of destruction across the galaxy. Based on the need to survive; the remaining free worlds have banded together to form a makeshift alliance called the United Galactic Force. Tetra Prime has become the official capital for the U.G.F. The new capital is far from perfect grappling with its own international struggles. In the midst of the greater Betrayer War, Quest, a cadet fresh out of training finds he is destined to play a pivotal role in the preservation of all life and creation itself.
By: Jamie Noe 2012

(paper back version)

(Kindle e-book version link below)