Seals of Creation, update after a long break

Seals of Creation, update after a long break. Hi everyone sorry for the long delay in posting but between the Covid19 pandemic I’m sure everyone can relate. so recent updates. the 2nd book is on the final editing phases which is great. I am so glad to get all of this back on track. I will also have some exciting news in relation to the first book. It has long been an objective of mine to make the books available in audiobook format. I for one love audiobooks. So work in progress updates on the back cover art for book 2. This artwork is still subject to alterations but I am really glad to get the gears of the Seals of Creation series spinning again. So here is a sneak peak at the work in progress back cover art. I have updated Quest’s look and who is that other mystery character ? Well I won’t give any spoilers away. 😉 I hope everyone out there has faired well during the whole pandemic and stay safe. More news to come!!

Feel free to checkout Seals of Creation book 1 “Awakening. The first book in the Awakening Volume in a variety of formats from print & an assortment of e-book formats all from trusted retailers. Don’t forget to follow the series with social media updates as well.

Thank you everyone and I hope you love reading this adventure as much as I love writing it.

Authors Note about book 2 in the Seals of Creation book series

The journey that is “Seals of Creation” will span a number of books, each book being a large novel that carries the tale further along it’s path. A special note, these works are a voyage into Darkness. I have read many books including science fiction, philosophy, history, mythology, the sciences and the list goes on. I praise authors & researchers for their works and in that vast pool that reveals knowledge that is eldritch, conceptual & of infinite potential. I have gleamed many things from all i have read and this process will continue. The 2nd book in the series (soon to have it’s name revealed & soon to come to print) is a “game changer” so to speak. While I have seen others touch on the rough contours of “Darkness”, I will deliver to you it’s essence in purest form. You will not merely experience it’s boundary or be teased by it’s edges, I will draw you into it’s depth’s and explain it’s meaning’s in great detail. The 1st book in the “Seals of Creation” series named “Awakening” is the bedrock upon which the story is built but it was only the starting point. True Darkness await’s you the reader and I have many sight’s to show you as we progress along together deeper through this strange story. Additionally it is a very personal journey that I am writing in this tale and as we go forward we will explore the essence of true Darkness.
Sincerely: Jamie Noe. Author of “Seals of Creation.”

(Book Group)

Seals of Creation (book 2) editing progressing nicely

The up-coming 2nd book in the Seals of Creation series is progressing nicely through the editing process. I am very excited about this 2nd book; it is filled with action, adventure and unexpected plot twists that take the story to new and exciting places in all aspects. Over the summer I will reveal the name of the book and I am also hard at work creating the art for the front and back cover. My posts have been spaced a little during this part of the process because of the intense work that goes into editing and additionally the creation of the art to accompany the next book.

You can also keep up with what I am doing with the Seals of Creation series as I create it at the various links posted via social media.
Thank you: Jamie Noe.

P.S if you have trouble accessing any of these links just backspace over a blank break so that the links are fully connected.)!/WickedHorizon1

(Now here are links to where you can get the first book “Seals of Creation book 1 Awakening” in a variety of formats from traditional paperback to a wide variety of ebook formats.)

(Barns & Noble paperback and Nook ebook)

(Paperback version)

(Paperback on Amazon)

(Kindle e-book version link below)

Seals of Creation: Seals of Creation (book 2) manuscript finished

Seals of Creation: Seals of Creation (book 2) manuscript finished.

Seals of Creation (book 2)

I am pleased to announce that the manuscript for “Seals of Creation” (book 2)

is complete and is now in the editing phase. I will release the name and more

detailed information about the content as the release time draws closer. What I can

tell you is “be prepared for an incredibly intense experience in this second book.”

The stakes are raised as unexpected events throw Quest, his companions and the

entire galaxy into an uproar that spirals into a fast paced adventure. Places and

spectacles that are the stuff dreams are made of will not only be hinted at; they

will be fully immersive. The plot will twist and turn in ways you would never

expect as light is shed on some mysteries while other vistas are shrouded in

deepening darkness.

In the meantime sci-fi adventure lovers who are looking for a new kind of

adventure story can get caught up by reading the first book in the series “Seals of

Creation (book 1) Awakening. The first book is available in paperback and a wide

variety of e-book formats to suit your individually preferred reading method. Below

are links where you can find and purchase your copy of the first book in the series

so that you’re ready for what comes next.

You can also keep up with what I am doing with the Seals of Creation series as


I create it at the various links posted via social media.

Thank you: Jamie Noe.!/WickedHorizon1

(Now here are links to where you can get the first book “Seals of Creation book 1

Awakening” in a variety of formats from traditional paperback to a wide variety of

ebook formats.)

(Barns & Noble paperback and Nook ebook)


(Paperback version)

(Paperback on Amazon)


(Kindle e-book version link below)



STOP blaming video-games for real world violence


Because of unfortunate recent events some people and industries have tried to blame video games for the violent acts of psychopaths. I have some personal experience in this area so I am inclined to voice my position. I am a video-game artist, I am also a conceptual artist and an author. I will add that I am an avid gamer and have played video-games all of my life. I also grew up like most boys watching cartoons and anime some of which were violent. As a child I played with toy guns, water guns, Transformers, Robotech toys, dragons and dinosaurs. Yet I am not a violent psychopath despite all of these “horrible influences.”

  I also read books by authors such as Stephen King, H.P Lovecraft, Terry Goodkind, Harry Turtledove, the late Robert Jordan and his successor Brandon Sanderson, Dean Koontz and many others some of which include classics like the Iliad and the Odyssey for example.

  On a personal note I have also actually survived as a victim of violent crime that endangered my life. So I do have some experience there as well. If you want to address crime or violence in society at its core then try addressing things like stress, hunger, poverty, hopelessness, education, Those are real issues, the world is full of real issues that should be addressed we hardly need to sit around and make up false ones that are ridiculous.

  I have played video-games since I was a kid and they never made me violent nor did they corrupt my psychology. William Shakespeare’s Mcbeth is a historically tragic tale shall we ban that to because it might run the risk of possibly making someone sad and as a result they might be prone to suicide? Why were at it lets not forget the Greek Classics like the Iliad or the Odyssey. Both of which are violent books with tales of battle death and violence and add onto that just about anything else in the world. If you misconstrue reality enough down a twisted tunnel then really where does it end. Shall we ban the sun because it might be to bright one day and hurt your eyes? Frankly I like violence in video games, its part of the fun because its NOT REAL. I for one am not willing to compromise my enjoyment of games because other people like to politicize everything. Yes while playing Ninja Gaiden on my PS3 I like the fact that when you execute a cool combo that your enemies blood sprays the ground, it is part of the fun after all.

  I will not pretend that because there might be a potential psychopath out there in the world that I am willing to give up the fun I have. A potential psychopath will find anything at some point to justify their insanity and I’m just not willing to compromise something I enjoy for this false blame idealism. Bad people or disturbed people have existed since the dawn of time and they will continue to exist, when you give in to them then they win. No I am not giving up my enjoyment of video games whether or not they involve violence because people are looking to politicize it. With a world population nearing 8 billion there are all kinds of people out there and there always have been.

  Articles keep emerging because the media has thrown the talking point out there that the massed New Town shooter played video games. Well so do about a hundred million other Americans but their not going on massed killing sprees. If a violent psychopath happened to like apples should we factor that into the equation as well now since some people have already jumped off the cliff into the realm of blaming anything that seems convenient. My heart goes out to anyone who has suffered as the result of violent crimes or the death of loved ones, but I will not just randomly assign blame to video-games because to do so would contribute to that injustice. Once again If you want to address crime or violence in society at its core then try addressing things like stress, hunger, poverty, hopelessness, education, Those are real issues, the world is full of real issues that should be addressed we hardly need to sit around and make up false ones that are ridiculous. It is impossible to anticipate what any given psychopath might do but if they have the tendency to be insane to begin with then anything at any given moment can be a catalyst. Arbitrarily blaming this or that is an injustice to the rest of us who are just trying to live our lives.

  While the notion that video-game violence has any correlation on peoples actions may superficially stir emotions in the same way an un-intelligible sound clip on a 24 hour news station will have that effect. The reality is though that for the hundreds of millions of gamers around the world, there are not hundreds of millions of crazy murdering psychos. They don’t exist because there is no real connection. Attempting to manipulate reality in a misconstrued fashion just to support a false concept does not solve the real problems of the world nor does it address the fact that violent or dangerously disturbed people will rationalize their actions by any means. If a person is that horribly disturbed then it might take nothing more then a rainy day to trigger their rage. The rest of us and by that I mean the vast majority of people should not abide such irrational notions. The real issues (some of which have already been articulated) are what needs to be addressed and not false un-intelligible nonsense. People are responsible for their actions, stop blaming everything else in the world like video-games for instance.

Seals of Creation (book 1) Awakening now available


The first book in the “Seals of Creation” series “book 1 Awakening” is now available for purchase in paperback and Kindle e-book at the following links.

Twenty year cycles ago the Galactic Unity was ripped apart. Since then the Betrayers have blazed a fiery path of destruction across the galaxy. Based on the need to survive; the remaining free worlds have banded together to form a makeshift alliance called the United Galactic Force. Tetra Prime has become the official capital for the U.G.F. The new capital is far from perfect grappling with its own international struggles. In the midst of the greater Betrayer War, Quest, a cadet fresh out of training finds he is destined to play a pivotal role in the preservation of all life and creation itself.
By: Jamie Noe 2012

(paper back version)

(Kindle e-book version link below)